So in Part Two of the series "Signs from Beyond" (yesterday in Barrie, this coming Sunday in Orillia), we talked about God's will being revealed mostly in scripture.
The assignment? Read Romans 12. Why? Because most of us don't want to read the Bible. Most of us would rather hear from God directly rather than read the Bible to hear from God, even though direct communication is NOT something God does very often. And even when we read the Bible, most of us don't read it as though God is speaking to us.
So the assignment was simple: read Romans 12 every day for a week and try to apply it to your life. I promised to do that too.
This morning I started. I only got to verse one. Actually, just the first part of verse one. I didn't eve make it through one verse before I got stopped in my tracks. Here's what hit me: the part about giving our lives (bodies) fully to Godin light of all He has done for us.
Now I preached on this text yesterday. I studied it during the week. I've read it 100 times in my life, maybe more. But I missed the part that says in light of all He has done for us. That stopped me dead cold.
I started thinking: Do I really think about all that God has done for me? What if I did? That could change my motivation. That could double or triple my gratitude. If I really think about all God has done for me, my brain would melt. The Christian story isn't about what we can do for God, it's about what He has done for us. It's about grace, mercy - God standing with us when I least deserved it. Wow!
So I didn't read any further today. I had enough to saturate my little brain in applying just one verse to my life. Usually I read 3-5 chapters of the Bible a day. I got stuck at verse one. And it's still eating at me. I wonder what the rest of the week will hold?
Who says God's Word doesn't speak? Try it. Romans 12. What's it saying to you?
God's word has blatantly spoken to me on several occasions... too personal to share the details though.
I pray that this week, and in weeks to come, the Bible will speak to many who are reading it for the first time.
Blessings to all who are getting into it!
Posted by: Doris Schuster | May 28, 2009 at 09:43 AM